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The temple of Swami Nellaiappar and Sri Kanthimathi Ambal

The temple of Swami Nellaiappar and Sri Kanthimathi Ambal is situated in the heart of the city. The river Tambravarani referred to by poets as "Porunai" flows round the town. In the distant past the town was a bamboo forest; hence it was known in those days as "venuvanam". One of the famous temples in Tamil Nadu steeped in tradition and history and also known for its musical pillars and other brilliant sculptural splendours, this is one of the largest temples in South India. Siva is said to have been worshipped by Agastya in a bamboo grove and by Rama after having killed Mareecha some nine miles away at Manoor. There is also a shrine to Vishnu near the sanctum, signifying the belief that Nellai Govindan (Vishnu) visited Tirunelveli to officiate the divine marriage of Shiva and Kantimathi. A little to south of Swami Nellaiappar Gopuram stands the Gopuram of Sri Kanthimathi Ambal temple. Thanks-Athma Nathan


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